The Thomas House
Built in 1829 as the original home of The Thomas Family, The Thomas House is furnished and presented as a pioneer home of the 1830 - 1840's, with many original family items. The house is operated by the Oakville Historical Society and is open during the summer months when Society volunteers act as guides. A brochure covering the history of the family and the house (with fascinating details of life in the early 1800's) is available for visitors.
Join Us for Culture Days Saturday Oct 5th 1-4:30pm
Mrs. Thomas would love to have you drop in for a visit! She will have Welsh Cakes cooking on
her griddle! See how her Oakville farm family lived in the 1830’s. Learn about their daily chores
and try out some gadgets of the time. Find out about ‘Jacob’s Ladder’, ‘button buzzers’ and
‘whimmy diddlers’ or try your hand at the ‘Game of Grace’.
Days & Times:
Open 1:30 - 4:00pm on the following days:
Saturdays & Sundays late May to end of September.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays in July and August.
Victoria Day, Canada Day, August Civic Holiday & Labour Day
144 Front Street, Oakville
Admission is free. Donations to support the preservation of The Thomas House greatly appreciated.